Since I have lots of aliases and functions in my profile, frequently I need to search them by some pattern.

This Powershell function lets me do just that.

function ff {

  # Define the path to the PowerShell profile
  $profilePath = $PROFILE

  # Check if the profile exists
  if (-not (Test-Path $profilePath)) {
    Write-Host "Profile script does not exist at $profilePath"

  # Define the patterns to search for aliases and functions
  $patterns = "Set-Alias.*$Pattern", "New-Alias.*$Pattern", "function.*$Pattern"

  # Search the profile for the specified pattern
  # Select-String -Path $profilePath -Pattern $patterns
  Select-String -Path $profilePath $patterns

Now, all I need to do is type this to find the matching line and the actual function in my profile.

> ff <pattern>