Category: programming

Backup / Restore Postgres, MySQL, SQLite database using Sequel

Sequel is a fantastic ORM available in Ruby.

It also comes with an IRB console so it can be run directly from the command line with various options.

For example, to console into an SQLite database testdb.sqlite in the current directory –

$> sequel sqlite://testdb.sqlite

Or for Postgres –

$> sequel postgres://dbuser:dbpassword@localhost/testdb

However, I use sequel most frequently to take quick database backups or to restore them.

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ExtJs – Bindable allowBlank

ExtJs does have a attribute for required by the allowBlank configuration against fields.

However, this configuration doesn’t have a setAllowBlank or a getAllowBlank method, because of which, it is not possible to bind those fields via the viewModel. So, usually, those fields have to be somehow fetched in the Controller and then that attribute.

This situation can however be remedied very easily.

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ExtJs – Monthfield Picker

ExtJs, by default, doesn’t provide a month picker.

A monthfield picker allows you to choose specific months only.

The customization that was required, was to have a start date and an end date for those months, so that at the end of the operation, those specific dates could be saved.

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error while running rake task – “Don’t know how to build task”

The default method to pass arguments to Rake tasks is to give the parameters in square brackets –

desc 'Method #1: Use the default rake way to add two numbers and log the result'
task :add, [:num1, :num] do |t, args|
  puts args[:num1].to_i + args[:num].to_i

Reference: 4 ways to pass arguments to a Rake task

$ rake add[1,2]
# => 3

However, I would rather pass the arguments like this –

$ rake add 1 2
# => 3
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Simplest JavaScript & CSS minifier – YUI Compressor

I was looking for a simple JavaScript / CSS minifier. Essentially, a program which will

  1. minify – remove empty lines
  2. obfuscate – shorten variable names

There are many online tools available of course. Of the new ones, Parcel was the best. However, the resulting files had some extraneous code which I could do without.

Then I remembered about YUI Compressor, which I think is one of the first ones introduced many, many years ago.

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SQLite load test for concurrent transactions using JMeter and JDBC Connection

I came across this article via a Hacker News post. This mentioned that SQLite was able to handle –

400 write transactions per second, and thousands of reads

I’ve recently started implementing applications with SQLite and with journal_mode set to WAL so that multiple concurrent writes could be done. However, I was curious to confirm the concurrent transactions number.

Earlier, I have used SQLite for development but usually on production we would face challenges with the notorious Database is locked error, we would move to Postgres or MySQL. However, I’ve always felt that for 90% of the applications we create don’t require these and was keen to back it up with numbers.

So, I decided to use Apache JMeter to try load testing a sample application.

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VSCode terminal tab completion issue

I had logged into my server using VSCode the Remote-SSH extension, and had opened the terminal.

When I enter the ls command and tab, the files and directories auto-complete. However, when I give the mv command, tab completion fails.

After some googling, this Stackoverflow answer helped.

In my .bashrc file, I had to add the following lines –

# enable bash completion in interactive shells
if ! shopt -oq posix; then
  if [ -f /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ]; then
    . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
  elif [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
    . /etc/bash_completion

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